Mass Times
Parish Office
Monday to Friday - 10:00am
Saturday - 7:00pm (Vigil Mass)
Sunday - 9:30am and 11:30am
Parish Priest: Fr. Paul O'Driscoll
Private Prayer - The church is open for private prayer and lighting of candles each day Monday to Friday immediately after the 10:00am Mass until 12:30pm.
Baptisms are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 12.00pm. Please contact the Parish Office to book a date.
You can download the Baptism Application Form and bring this copy with you when booking. You are also required to bring the Birth Certificate of the Child and we will take a copy of it for you.
One month's notice is required when booking a Baptism
The Parish Office is accessible from inside the Car Park in front of the houses.
Parish Secretary: Leigh O'Neill
The Parish Office is open to the public on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30am to 12:30pm. The Parish Office is Closed on Wednesday.
The Parish Office is now CLOSED
* Redirected to mobile phone outside office hours
Mass Times
Monday to Friday - 10:00am
Saturday - 7:00pm (Vigil Mass)
Sunday - 9:30am and 11:30am
Parish Priest: Fr. Paul O'Driscoll
Private Prayer - The church is open for private prayer and lighting of candles each day Monday to Friday immediately after the 10:00am Mass until 12:30pm.
Baptisms are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 12.00pm. Please contact the Parish Office to book a date.
You can download the Baptism Application Form and bring this copy with you when booking. You are also required to bring the Birth Certificate of the Child and we will take a copy of it for you.
One month's notice is required when booking a Baptism
Parish Office
The Parish Office is accessible from inside the Car Park in front of the houses.
Parish Secretary: Leigh O'Neill
The Parish Office is open to the public on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30am to 12:30pm. The Parish Office is Closed on Wednesday.
The Parish Office is now CLOSED
* Redirected to mobile phone outside office hours
‘We, the people of Bonnybrook Parish, aim to live by Gospel values and serve pastoral needs, by nurturing a community where all are welcome and know they belong.’
‘We, the people of Bonnybrook Parish, aim to live by Gospel values and serve pastoral needs, by nurturing a community where all are welcome and know they belong.’
Parish News and Announcements
Eco Aware - Leaf Cage
Bonnybrook Parish started a Leaf Cage project to collect fallen leaves this autumn/winter. Click on the Read More link below to see how you can make a leaf cage and view photos of our team collecting leaves in the church grounds. A special thank you to Dublin City Council for their support.
Mass Intentions for the Week
11th January - 17th January 2025
Mass Intentions for the Week
11th January - 17th January 2025
Saturday - 7:00pm
Sheila O'Reilly (10th A) and remembering her daughter Jackie (10th A) and son Pat (20th A)
Cecil De Khors (10th A)
James (Yaff) Kavanagh (A)
Gerald Bradshaw (1st A)Sunday - 9:30am
Frank Sparks Snr. (A)
Frank Donoghue (A)
Peter Arteserse (A)
Lidia Matassa (A)
Myriam Donovan (A)
Carmel Buchner (A)
Evelyn Donoghue (A)
Agnes Cullen (A)
Breda McCormack (A)Sunday - 11:30am
Chris Walsh (A) and deceased members of the Corrigan and Walsh families
Frank Winston (B.R.)
Paddy Browne (M.M.)
Peter and Sinead Boyle (A)Monday - 10:00am
Funeral of Matthew Byrne R.I.P.
Tuesday - 10:00am
Kathleen Conroy (B.R.)
Wednesday - 10:00am
Liturgy of the Word
Friday -10:00am
Funeral of Tim Howard R.I.P.
Recently Deceased
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of Matthew Byrne R.I.P., Patrick Leavy R.I.P., Derek Fulham R.I.P. and Tim Howard R.I.P. who died recently. Click on name for funeral arrangements.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of Matthew Byrne R.I.P., Patrick Leavy R.I.P., Derek Fulham R.I.P. and Tim Howard R.I.P. who died recently. Click on name for funeral arrangements.
Eco-Aware Parish
"The exploitation of the planet has already exceeded acceptable limits and we still have not solved the problem of poverty."
Pope Francis
Eco-Aware Events in January 2025
5 January 2025
National Bird Day
Birds are incredible creatures, but they’re also a huge group of animals that are in serious danger. You know why the phrase “canary in the coal mine” is used? It’s because birds are like our planet’s early warning system. With so many bird species threatened by illegal pet trade, diseases, and habitat loss, it’s more important than ever to spread awareness about the needs of these amazing creatures. The survival of hundreds of species depends on it!
For more information click HERE.
Click HERE to visit our Eco-Aware page